Understanding One’s Anger Origin

 Learn to manage anger

 Stop violence or the threat of violence

 Develop self-control over thoughts and actions

 Understand cognitive distortions

 Examine rigid and irrational belief system

 Increase impulse control

 Identify emotional, psychological, and physical triggers of anger

 Develop individual anger management plan

 Techniques to reduce anger

 Increase communication

 To see anger as an emotion, not a behavior

 Increase behavioral techniques to deal with  anger



Goals and objectives

Text Box:    

  Group Structure
  Maximum of 10 members per group
 Group Instruction – Group Discussion – Role Playing – Video Instruction
Skill Acquisition – Handouts – Weekly Home         work – Media Journals
 Program Evaluation
 Pre and Post Test measurable outcomes

The IMAGE I-II Program© was designed to be an intervention as well as prevention program for adult men and women.  A combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and social learning theory were used to develop a structured, skill acquisition and progressive anger management approach.

This program is not a substitute or alternative to a 
power and control domestic violence program.

Text Box: Program Design




Program Length

 1 Intake Session

IMAGE I© - 13 wks

 Group Sessions are 1 hour

in length and meet once per week


 Program Delivery

 Open Group Format

 Age Range


Separate male and female groups



 Participation Eligibility

 Men and women who have volunteered, are court-ordered or community ordered and/or have issues with anger and/or rage.